Print Books

High-quality print books, making it an exceptional resource


Offering endless possibilities for learning and research


Knowledge knows no bounds

Glass rooms

Available for group discussion and demonstration


Support your learning journey


The perfect companion for academic success and creative exploration

Borrowing Privileges & Services

The Library offers different borrowing privileges and services to GCC Library members.


Study Package

Loan Services
Reference Services
Room Booking
Library Workshops
Loan Quota: 20 items
Hold Quota: 10 items
Loan Period: 14 days
Renewal: 1 time

Academic Staff

Teaching Package

Loan Services
Consultation Services
Teaching & Research Support
Course Readings
Room Booking
Loan Quota: 30 items
Hold Quota: 15 items
Loan Period: 14 days
Renewal: 1 time


Back-up Package

Counter Services
In-Campus Access
Room Booking
Support Alumni Events

Library Workshops

All students are welcome to attend the following library workshops.

Useful Links

The best place to build and discover …

Start exploring the repository today and unlock a world of knowledge and possibilities!

Whether you are a student, academic, it can greatly enhance your research experience.

Starting point for research, saving time and effort by directing to relevant sources.

Helping you to develop “Use AI Wisely” in the realm of learning, teaching, and research.

Equips you with the tools and resources to embark on a transformative learning journey.

The booking system allows you to conveniently view available rooms, select suitable time slots, and complete your reservations with ease.

Try Today

As a good opportunity to practice, can the library check my APA citation?


What Our User Says

自助借還書機 – 簡單易用。


開放時間 – 圖書館無堂時,能於晚間9半關門。





Meet Our Library Staff

Elaine Lam

Kevin Lam

Maisie Cheung

Kenneth Lee

Jason Ng

Joyce Lau

Katy Wong