Author: Kevinlam
New Service: WhatsApp a Librarian!
GCC Library
圖書館推出了一項新服務,讓您與我們的溝通更加便捷! 服務內容: 👉 注意:發送信息時,請務必告訴我們您的姓名 / 學生編號,以便我們更好地為您服務!詳情請留意以下宣傳海報: | WhatsApp a Librarian: Click Here 感謝您一直以來對圖書館的支持,我們期待與您在WhatsApp上見面!
National Security Education Resources Guide
GCC Library
National Security Education (NSE) is a very important topic in nowadays Hong Kong, for you who are entering education section, these are the areas you should be aware of.
AI-Based Literature Review Tools
GCC Library
More AI tools! These tools are here to help you to review literatures. Again, these are only tools after all, you are the one working on the assignments.
AI Citation Generation Tools
GCC Library
AI definitely gives us conveniences, but we must utilise it carefully and delicately, here are some AI tools we recommend to you. However, in the end of the day, these are just tools, you better check it again.
Searching the Library Catalogue
GCC Library
Searching the materials you need in the library catalogue is not always an easy task, here are some tips for you to get started.
Using a computer at the library
GCC Library
Our computer station is free to use, feel free to use it at any time during our opening hours.
Activating your library account
GCC Library
Here is the guideline on how to activate your library account before using the library services
New Arrivals for August 2024
GCC Library
Librarian’s Recommendations: And then there are more! Come visit us ! Or visit the full list here